Watch Every 2011 NFL Game On Demand with NFL Game Rewind
If you’d like watch each and every NFL team each week of the season, the NFL has you covered with NFL Game Rewind. With NFL Game Rewind, every NFL game is available on demand and commercial-free online. You can’t watch the games live, but if you are willing to wait until the next day to watch games, NFL Game Rewind may be right up your alley.
UPDATE (9/5/2012): Check out our review of the 2012 edition of NFL Game Rewind.
The NFL Game Rewind 2011 Season package will run you $39.99, or you can get the Monthly subscription for $19.99. When we purchased the NFL Preseason Live package, we were presented with an offer to also buy both the NFL Game Rewind and NFL Game Audio for $10 off the listed rate. This is something to look out for if you are interested in purchasing either of these other products.
What do you get with NFL Game Rewind?
You’ll get every single game of the 2011 NFL regular season on demand, plus the entire archive of games from 2010 and 2009. Sunday games are streamed in High Quality and all games are available the next morning by 6am Eastern, after the conclusion of the Sunday Night game. Night games which are available by noon the next day.
There are a variety of viewing options. Single games view, Double Game View, Quad Game View, and Picture in Picture (PIP).
With any of the viewing modes you can quickly swap windows….
… or go full screen.
Hover your mouse over the screen and you’ll see buttons that allow you to display Stats, Plays, or a Chat window on the right side of the viewer. Select the “X” at the top right to hide the right pane again.
NFL Game Rewind New Features
The changes aren’t major, but the layout did get a refresh. The multiple games view is new in Game Rewind this season. Also, gone from last season is the Social Media Heat Map which I frankly never thought was very worthwhile anyway. One very cool addition is the “Coaches Film.” With the “Plays” pane visible on the right, you’ll notice the button appear on certain key plays during the game.
This allows you to see certain plays from the coaches film, or “All 22,” view where you can see all 22 players on the field during the play. Once the play is run in “Coaches Film” view, you’ll go directly back to the normal TV broadcast.
Technical Details
A broadband internet connection (DSL/cable or higher) of 750 kbps or higher is needed for NFL Game Rewind. If you have an internet connection speed of 2.0 Mbps or higher and your computer meets the requirements below, you will be able to enjoy NFL Game Rewind at its highest video quality.
Windows PC Requirements
- Intel Pentium 4 2.33GHz or higher or equivalent AMD processor with a minimum of 512MB of memory and 64MB of video RAM.
- One of the following operating systems: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Media Center Edition.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox:
– IE:
– Firefox: - Macromedia Flash Player 10.1:
- Video adapter and monitor: Super VGA (1024×768) or higher.
NOTE: It also works just fine for me in the Google Chrome Browser.
MAC Minimum Requirements
- PowerPC G5 1.6GHz
- Intel Core Duo 1.5GHz with a minimum of 512MB of memory and 64MB of video RAM
- Mac OS X 10.4+
- Mozilla Firefox
- Macromedia Flash Player 10.1:
- Video adapter and monitor: Super VGA (1024×768) or higher.
For support issues:
Other Important Details
- NFL Game rewind is UNAVAILABLE DURING SUNDAY NIGHT & MONDAY NIGHT LIVE NFL GAME BROADCASTS. This means you can’t watch NFL Game Rewind on Sunday evenings, or Monday nights.
- Watching on Multiple PCs at the same time with the same account is restricted.
- NFL Game Rewind is only available in the United States.
- NFL Game Rewind season subscription only includes regular season games and does not include 2011 Playoff, Super Bowl, or Pro Bowl games. Playoff subscriptions must be purchased for an additional fee. (Note: 2010 & 2009 NFL Playoffs games are available)
It’s not the same as watching games live, of course, but then again, you can’t watch all the games at one time anyway. This is the third season we’ve invested in NFL Game Rewind and is a really great product for the football junkie, or fan whose schedule doesn’t allow them to watch games live. The quality is very good (assuming you have the proper bandwidth). You may occasionally get some pixelation when the bandwidth drops, but we’ve found that it usually corrects in a few seconds. The picture quality is still quite good even on my 26 inch TV.
How to Get NFL Game Rewind
You can subscribe to Game Rewind at